Sunday, November 24, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

Room 3's turn as Enviro class

We were on duty for Green thumbs this week. We looked at the vege gardens and decided they needed to be weeded. We had to look carefully to see what we needed to pull out. We pulled out the plants we didn't want in our gardens. We had to dig under the plant so we could pull out the roots too. If we leave the roots they might grow again. We will plant some veges when it gets a bit warmer in the Spring.

We made sure we pulled out the roots.

We had to look carefully to pull out the weeds and not the strawberry plants.

We found lots of worms but we left them in the garden. They help to keep the soil healthy.

Good job Room 3. We know how to be kaitaki and look after our school.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Identifying Trees around school

This afternoon a group of 'Green Thumbs' (Our Envirogroup) were out and about identifying native and exotic trees around our school. We have been really lucky to have the help of Finn Michalak. Finn is a Collection Curator at Otari Native Botanic Garden. He helped us make labels for our trees and we found out what some native plants had uses for. 
Finn also gave us some native plants for our school. We'll finish our Tree labels in the next few days.

Thanks for coming out Finn- we had a terrific time!