Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Night Tour of Zealandia

A small group of us were very fortunate to go on a Night Tour of Zealandia as a reward for all the rat trapping we've been doing lately. What a treat!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Tracking and Trapping

We've laid tracking tunnels around the school last Friday to see what pests are out there. These tracking tunnels had an ink strip on them for collecting foot prints and a dollop of peanut butter in the middle.

On Monday we collected them in to see if we had any footprints. They all had some!

We found hedgehog and mice/rat foot prints (Pretty hard to distinguish!)
Next thing to do is set traps in these locations for the mice and rats.

We also hung up our new nectar feeder that has a sugary syrup in it. (Brought it in for the storm passing through, but will have it back out there as soon as it passes.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Pest Free Tawa

We have become involved in a new venture to make Tawa Pest-free. Today we had visitors form other schools around Tawa along with Darren and a team from Zealandia meeting together and planning how to track, trap, and gather data.
(Click on photo for more images)

Exciting times! We will be laying tracking tunnels around school, seeing what's out there, and then setting traps for rats, mice, and stoats. We will also be putting out bird feeders to encourage more birds to Hampton Hill School.