Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Bush Explorers at Zealandia

Our school was selected to take 50 kids to Zealandia - it was a case of the first 50 names in and I've never seen such a quick response!! What an amazing time we had. We must try to get the whole school here sometime! Many thanks to the awesome staff on the Education Team at Zealandia - you are fabulous!
Click on the photo to see more from the trip.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Bioblitz 2017

A group of us were very fortunate to be invited over to Koraunui School's Bioblitz today. What an amazing time we had - checking out bees in the "Lab in a box" identifying plants and insects over at the Horoeka reserve and then over to the community hub for all sorts of things! All the while being transported around on a fancy-decorated bus!

Many thanks to Di Christenson and her team for inviting us! (Click on photo to see more)

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Vege Garden

Our vege garden sure needed an overhaul after the holidays!